
Tuesday, 2 July 2019

I'm Back

Seahouses - 2.7.19

After last weeks rain affected visit to the Farne Islands never actually making it onto Staple Island I wasn't going to be put off and a quick return was always on the cards, so checking the weather forecast for the coming week I'm back, hopefully this time making it onto Staple Island.

Checking in with Billy Shields that all's well for tomorrow we spot a group of Eider Duck in the harbour, like Mallard on the local pond they come and investigate if we are prepared to share some of the ham sandwiches Jan is carrying...that's photo op number one sorted...tick

The light isn't that great but its a fun session getting close and listening to the Eider "cooing" like call right under your feet...and way too close really when your wheeling about a 500mm lens.

Eider Duck - female

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