
Friday, 5 January 2024

A Queens Goose

Queens Park - 05.01.2024

Full of a virus I'm not really motivated to get out happy just to go over some old images and browse the interweb, what I did note was a couple of Red-breasted Geese have made it to the UK. RBG breed in artic tundra and during winter a few associate with other smaller geese species wintering in Western Europe and a even lesser few managing to make it over to the UK, currently one at Cley in Norfolk and another at Martin Mere in Lancashire and surprisingly one turning up on a local park lake which is likely to be an escapee even thou the absence of a leg ring.

Literally only a fifteen minuet drive it's a location I know well which can get busy on weekends so as it's a Friday I'm going to see what's on offer. As I approach the lake I easily pick up the goose associating with a few Canada Geese which soon depart to the other side of the lake for some free food on offer.

Trying to isolate the goose from the frantically feeding Canadas Geese is a matter of just waiting for the opportunity. Now over an hour later and having managed more images than I need the goose moves away to roost on the island in the middle of the lake, it preens then settles with its head under it's wing suggesting the actions over for this session, so it's back home for me and back to the Lemsip.

Red-breasted Goose