Inner Farne - 24.6.2022
After the morning session on Staple Island it's off to Inner Farne where generally there's more action where you can see Arctic, Sandwich and Common Terns, with the Arctics being the most common. At the lighthouse Puffins, Shags, Guillemots and Razorbills are all present but as it's a one hour landing I'm concentrating on the Arctic Terns.
Last year there were very few Arctic Terns on Inner Farne preferring Brownman Island which was all down to the hight of the vegetation, normally the wardens create an ideal habitat by cutting the vegetation but due to Covid restrictions this didn't happen....but they are back, still not back to the numbers of pervious years but the dive bombing action and white deposits seem as constant as ever.
I'd planned a second tript next week unfortunately I've just received an email stating the National Trust has closed the islands due to an outbreak of Avian Bird Flue which is wreaking havoc amongst the sea bird population on the east coast cancelling landings for the remainder of the breeding season, just happy I've managed at least one trip this year.
Arctic Tern
Bottlenose Dolphin
If you very lucky on your return trip you might get to see Bottlenose Dolphins, I say lucky because I must of had over twenty trips and this is the first time I've had an encounter on the boat, apart from seeing them from the carpark !